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At about 1 cent per item, this is a no brainer!
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20 Ways To Use This Content 1. Brand the eBook as your own and sell it.
2. Build your lists and give elements as bonuses to subscirbers.
3. Send the information to your list: as a gift, as a bonus and in newsletters. 4. Monetize with your affiliate links and make killer commissions.
5. Use slideshows, videos and PDF files for site promotion on high PR PDF submission sites, such as, Slideshare, Scrbd, DocStoc etc. 6. Create webinars.
7. Turn articles into an eBook and sell it or give it away.
8. Mix it up to create loads of unique content.
9. Create many unique slideshows to post on your sites and/or use for promotion to get traffic for your sites.
10. Turn the PLR into videos, post on your sites, or for promotion on Vimeo, Youtube, etc. 11. Convert the PLR to audio. 12. Use the PLR for podcasts. 13. Make it into special reports.
14. Use on Facebook and Twitter. 15. Add it to an existing related product. 16. Give reports or ebook as a bonus when someone makes a purchase with your affiliate link. 17. Create blogs with it. 18. Submit Infographic to high PR sites. 19. Use it on your sites, create many posts or giant authority posts. 20. Use audio voicover files to create podcasts, or make more videos.
21. Brand all editable elements as your own and impress your clients, and audience.
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